Gemini Demo: Improving customer experience with Visual Search

You’re swimming in a sea of data – spreadsheets, images, videos, audio files. It’s overwhelming, right? You’re not alone. But what if there was a way to navigate this ocean, to dive deep and uncover hidden treasures? That’s where Gemini steps in. In this demo blog, you’ll discover how Gemini transformed a chaotic collection of clothing images into a well-organized, easily searchable catalog.

Gemini, your knight in shining AI armor

Imagine having an AI assistant that effortlessly sifts through mountains of images, deciphers complex text, and even extracts meaning from audio and video – all to create a neatly organized, easily searchable dataset. That’s the power Gemini 1.5 Pro puts at your fingertips.

But how? Gemini 1.5 Pro employs a multimodal approach, processing and understanding multiple data types at once. It extracts features from images, comprehends text, and even processes audio and video data, weaving it all into a unified, searchable dataset.

Actions speak louder than words: Gemini Demo by Raccoons

In this fashion retail demo, Gemini effortlessly analyzed thousands of clothing images. It automatically generated detailed descriptions, sorting items by color, pattern, and even text on the clothing. In this demo, Raccoons combined Elastic & Gemini to create some great results. Imagine customers searching for “red t-shirts with stripes and big text” and instantly finding exactly what they want, complete with detailed descriptions. Happy customer, happy business, right?

Is this relevant for you?

This isn’t only relevant for retail; it’s a game-changer across industries with large amounts of data. Imagine doctors using it to analyze medical images, highlighting key findings for faster, more accurate diagnoses. Or media companies effortlessly generating captions and metadata for videos, simplifying search and organization. Even schools can benefit, creating easily searchable digital archives for students and staff.

Ready to leverage data to improve your customer or employee service? We’ve got you covered! Reach out to see how we can make it happen!

Relevant links:
Technical deep dive by Raccoons

Competence Center:


3 min
Artificial Intelligence

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